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Leader Board (as of 05/10/2024):
Total Rent
Current Title
President of USA
Governor of Illinois, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Minnestoa, Iowa, and North Dakota
Governor of Florida
Governor of Washington and Oregon
Governor of Michigan
Governor of Texas, Nevada, and New Mexico
Governor of Utah
Governor of Colorado
Governor of New Jersey
Governor of Virginia
Governor of California

STEALTH_G_605 has become the new Atlas Earth President! Congrats!
101 Badges and a lot of mayorships and governorships to boot!
The only person who could take over this #1 spot easily is Openboosters, but he has stated that he's not planning to put any more money into Atlas Earth
Populate Calculator With STEALTH_G_605 values (note: this will overwrite your values previously entered)

Openboosters is no longer the president of the Atlas Earth game.
He has a youtube channel and he even posted a video about his Presidency
and how Stealth was going to take it over.
Populate Calculator With OPENBOOSTERS values (note: this will overwrite your values previously entered)

snowfish has climbed up to third place - next stop - take over openboosters and then stealth - everyone is cheering you on.
It seems someone has taken Alaska from snowfish - will they get it back?
Only time will tell.
Populate Calculator With snowfish values (note: this will overwrite your values previously entered)

belac has not been very active as of late... will the new president cause any change here?
106 Badges - which is still impressive but not completely overboard like BOOSTINGWZRD. Above 101 where you get the max 25% boost added to your rent.
I'm not sure why someone would spend Atlas Bucks on more than 101 badges instead of buying more parcels? They must be important badges for BELAC.
Populate Calculator With belac values (note: this will overwrite your values previously entered)

fragment23 dropped from third to fifth with belac and snowfish overtaking fragment - a huge congratulations is in order on fragment getting married!
He has been able to maintain governorships of TX, NV, and NM which is no small task.
I still feel he could challeng the current president sometime in the future if he so desires.
Seems he was busy with the wedding and hasn't boosted as much as some others based on total rent compared to other leaders here.
Populate Calculator With fragment23 values (note: this will overwrite your values previously entered)

Artorias2718 Also fell 2 spots to number 6 (thanks to belac and snowfish again)
They have gone from 1 badge since my last update to 104 badges! Incredible!
I'm still not sure why people go over 101 at this point, but to each their own.
Populate Calculator With Artorias2718 values (note: this will overwrite your values previously entered)